Sarah Boothe’s 2nd grade class at BCEL has been learning about seed dispersal. They created models of seeds and tested out how they move.
over 2 years ago, Christina Pretzer
2nd grade
2nd grade BCEL
Our Kindergarten classes have been enjoying field trips to Chippewa Nature Center.They’re having fun and learning to classify living vs. non- living.
over 2 years ago, Christina Pretzer
kindergarten classes at CNC
kindergarten at CNC
BCHS sponsored an incredibly successful College Application Day! College reps from Davenport, CMU, and SVSU provide their expertise.
over 2 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
Cad 2
Cad 3
Cad 4
Senior night at the soccer game!
over 2 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
2nd graders at BCEL earned extra nature time and worked on their pollinator garden.
over 2 years ago, Christina Pretzer
2nd graders BCEL
Fire and rescue trucks visit BCEL for fire prevention week!
over 2 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
Fire 2
Mrs. Forbes AP Biology- McMush Lab!
over 2 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
lab 4
Floyd kindergarten classes using apples as a tool to learn about gravity, building, writing, counting and art.
over 2 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
The West Midland Family Center generously delivered school supplies to all of the Bullock Creek school buildings today! Thank you Helen!
over 2 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
school supplies
school supplies
school supplies
school supplies
Want to build a pollinator garden?!!! Yesterday at Bullock Creek Elementary our students got their hands dirty! Even our principal, Mrs. Bredt was in on the fun!
over 2 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
polination 1
pol 2
pol 3
Homecoming 2021!
over 2 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
king queen
Just a couple of pictures from the homecoming parade this afternoon. More to come! Homecoming 2021!
over 2 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
It's been a "buggy" kind of week at BCEL. Learning about insects! Pictures compliments of Mrs. Reid's class and Mrs. Heider's class.
over 2 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
Mrs. Napoli's class - on the hunt for soggy creatures!
over 2 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
Soggy Creatures
soggy creatures
Soggy creatures
soggy creatures
Floyd's Mr. Gusler had some of his first graders go all out for Crazy Hair Day!
over 2 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
Crazy hair 1
Crazy Hair 2
Crazy hair 3
Kindergarten students at BCEL were learning about insects today! Pictures compliments of Mrs. Heldund's class and Mrs. Cassow's Class!
over 2 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
Insects/Nature class
Bugs/ Nature class
Bugs 3
Dress an insect
The Bullock Creek School Board was happy to present long time Creeker, Mike Griese with the Lancer Leader Award! Thank you Mr. Griese for all that you do to support our kids, school and community!
over 2 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
Lancer Leader 9/20/21
Bullock Creek Elementary hosts Leadership Midland for a tour of the Nature Program.
over 2 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
Leadership Midland
A great first week at BCEL!
over 2 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
A Great first week of school at BCEL!
Welcome back!
We believe in you!