
MSTEP Testing for 6th and 7th grade students will continue on Thursday, May 2nd. Students will take the Math portion of the test. Lunch times will be as follows on Thursday: 8th grade 10:30 - 11, 6th grade 11 - 11:30 and 7th grade 11:30 - noon.

Who's interested in bowling? Northern Lanes is hosting free bowling this summer for students. Students can stop by the office and pick up a bowling postcard.

The Chippewa Nature is hosting summer camps and looking for teen volunteers. The positions needing volunteers are Counselor-in-Training, Acitivty Crew Member, and Crew Leader. Students will earn over 60 volunteer hours and gain knowledge and experience from their supervising counselors. The volunteer commitment is two weeks. Students should stop by the counseling office for more information.

Lunch tomorrow: Mac n cheese, breadstick, corn, broccoli, fruit, and milk.

Spring Band Concert! The concert will be performed on Thursday, May 9th at 6:30 pm. Admission is $5 for adults and $2 for students and senior citizens. Band students need to report to the cafeteria at 5:30 pm.

The BCMS Semi-Formal is back! Tickets go on sale starting Monday, April 29th - May 15th during each grade level's lunch. The ticket cost is $15.00, cash or check. There will be a free photo booth, unlimited snacks and punch, Live DJ, and a Glo souvenir. This is a fun time for all, but this event is ONLY for current students of BCMS.