Tomorrow is our last day of school! Thank you to everyone for making it a great year!
School will dismiss at 11:00 am on Friday morning. Yearbooks will be passed out during first hour. Please encourage your student to keep track of their yearbook and write their name on it.
Yearbooks were held for students who have book fines, lunch fines, owe a text book, etc. Report cards will be withheld from those students as well.
8th grade students will return from their trip to Mackinac Island around 6 pm this evening. Please be prompt in picking up your student.
Students are encouraged to check lost and found and take home what belongs to them. Also please take home everything that is in their locker. Locker clean-out has been happening this week.
Students who were in Art first semester, Mrs. Benson has art projects for students to take home, if they want them.
The middle school has limited office hours throughout the summer. Please call ahead before stopping by.
Have a great summer!