
Registration Forms - Students, please remember to turn in your registration forms to the office.  The form is either, pink, blue or yellow; they are color coded by grade.  These forms are kept in the office in a way to contact families in the event of an emergency and we didn't have access to a computer.

Attention All Athletes:  Athletes need to complete their portion of final forms.  There's a parent section and a student section.  Students need to complete their section so their paperwork will be all set for sports.

Doctor Notes - Students, please remember to turn in a note from the doctor, dentist, therapist, etc, if you are at an appointment.  These notes excuse the time they are gone from school.  Excuse notes can also be emailed or faxed.

Robotics applications are due to the office at the end of the school day on Wednesday, September 6th.  A parent/student meeting will take place at 7 pm on September 6th at the middle school.

Lunch Menus - Lunch menus are in the office for the month of September.

Donuts!  Donuts will be for sale on Friday morning for $1.00 in front of Mr. Habitz's classroom.