
BCMS Spring Play!

Today is the last day for students to audition for the play. Those auditioning for the play should report to the cafeteria area with their audition materials. We will have a short informational chat and then begin auditions. Students will be free to leave after they have completed their audition.

Battle of the Books! The middle school office has battle books for students to check out. Students can register online in teams of 1 or 2. Online registration ends on February 3rd. Students need to register online before checking out books from the office.

January 17: Hat Day! Students can pay $1.00 and wear a hat at school.

January 20: Half Day of school on Monday, January 20th.


1/16: Hamburger, fries, pickle, sliced tomato, fruit, and milk.

1/17: Pepperoni or cheese calzone, cucumbers, grape tomatoes, baked chips, fruit, and milk.