
Here's what's happening this week at BCMS!

Report cards will be sent home with students this week.

Track begins today and practice is after school at BCHS until 4:30 pm. Athletes must have a sports physical on file in the office to attend. Athletes also need to turn in their Pay-to-Play form and money along with completing Final Forms online.

Thursday is Hat Day! Students can pay $1.00 and wear a hat at school. Money collected will go towards buying new outdoor equipment.

The middle school play will be performed on Thursday at the Bullock Creek High School auditorium. The performance begins at 7 pm and admission is $5 for adults and $3 for students. The play will also be performed on Saturday at 2 pm.

On Friday our students will have the opportunity to watch the play in the afternoon. We'll have a shortened schedule and our school day will end at BCHS. Students who ride a bus will get on the bus at the high school to go home. Students who get picked up, will need to get picked up at the high school on Friday.

Tomorrow for lunch we'll be serving Walking Taco with Doritos or Tostitos, shredded lettuce, salsa cup, fruit, and milk.