Spirit Days!
- March 17: Wear GREEN for St. Patrick's Day
- March 21: Perfectly Plaid Day! Wear any type of plaid
- March 22: Twister Tuesday! 6th grade wear blue, 7th grade wear yellow, 8th grade wear red
- March 23: Hawaiian Day! Wear Hawaiian shirts, flip flops, etc.
- March 24: Black & Gold! Wear your Creek Gear
Important Dates!
- March 11: Half Day! BCMS dismisses at 10:30 a.m.
- March 14: Equestrian Meeting at 5:30 p.m. in the BCMS commons area. You must have a horse to join the team.
- March 25: No school, Happy Spring Break! School resumes on April 4, 2022.
Dance Details!
- Thursday, March 17th from 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. at BCMS
- Students must be picked up by 4 p.m., they are not allowed to stay later
- Admission is $5.00 per student
- Concessions will be sold at the dance so bring extra money. Pizza, pop and other items will be sold to enjoy in the cafeteria.
- Tickets will be sold ahead of time, students can buy their tickets every day next week
- Students need to wear their school-appropriate, casual clothes. No dressing up or changing clothes before the dance.
Track Athletes! Please remember to turn in your paperwork and pay-to-play money to the office.
Track sign-ups are open until spring break. There's room for everyone! Sign up today!
All athletes must have a physical on file in the office.