
The MS dance has been canceled for today.  There will be more dances in 2023!

Boys Basketball!  The 7th and 8th grade boy's basketball season will start in January.   Tryouts will take place on January 3, 2023.  Athletes must have a current physical on file in the office to attend. There are no exceptions.  

Yum!  Donuts will be for sale on Friday morning for $1.00.

Next week is Spirit Week!

  • Monday, Dec. 19th, we will be taking a walk through a winter wonderland. Wear your shades of blue, and white, and maybe even add some sparkle like a snowflake!
  • Tuesday, Dec. 20th, we will be hosting a Holiday Shirt Day. Ugly sweaters and holiday shirts of all kinds are encouraged-- just make sure it's school appropriate or you'll be asked to change! 
  • Wednesday, Dec. 21st, we'll end our short week with a cozy Flannel SHIRT Day. NO PAJAMA PANTS! 

Please follow the MS dress code as outlined in the handbook for spirit days.  Students will be asked to change or call home if needed.  Have fun with spirit days!  

Book Drive!  The Educational Careers class at Bullock Creek High School is doing a book drive to benefit elementary students in our community.  There’s a box in the library and donations will be accepted from now until Christmas break.  Thank you for your support.

Winter break! 

  • Break begins on December 22nd.  Classes resume on January 3, 2023.  Enjoy the holidays with your family.