Floyd Families-

I hope this note finds you and your family well. Here are a few things I have to share with you: 

  • Today is the PTO fundraiser at Buffalo Wild Wings. Showing the flyer (attached) will allow a portion of your bill to go back to Floyd Elementary. 

  • Report cards were sent home with students on Friday. If you did not receive one, please check with your child and/or your child’s teacher. 

  • Girls on the Run registration is now open. This program is open to 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade girls. Floyd teachers, Ellie Stark and Emily LaCourt, will be coaching again this season. Please see the attached flyer for more information and sign up details. 

  • We’d love to be connected with students ready to start kindergarten or young 5’s at Floyd in the fall. If you know someone, please send them our way. 

Have a wonderful week! 

Mrs. Moses