Classroom Mental Health Website
Classroom Mental Health Website is a toolkit available to teachers in search of information about youth mental health concerns. It also contains local resources such as mental health agencies and programming for youth that teachers can access to facilitate referrals.
Talking about sensitive subjects, like mental health, with your youth can be awkward. One way to help you and your kids feel more comfortable is to normalize the topic by incorporating it into everyday conversations. Bullock Creek is proud to be taking great strides in incorporating Mental Health Building Blocks in many of our classrooms within the district. You can take part of helping to build an atmosphere where mental health is regularly addressed in a matter-of-fact way which makes it that much easier to discuss specific issues or problems when they arise. You are not alone, Bullock Creek has partnered with University of Michigan to create a useful tool for teachers and families to help guide conversations as well as a comprehensive list of your community resources. You can access this information at, you can also email your questions/concerns to a secure email at that is answered by qualified, professional mental health providers.