Scrip Family Account
Bullock Creek Band Scrip Program What is Scrip?
Simply the easiest fundraiser you will EVER participate in. It is simply pre-purchasing gift cards to use at retailers and restaurants that you already frequent. Yes, it is that simple!
How does it work?
Log into and set up an account. If you need help with setting up the SCRIP account, be sure to check out the step by step directions by clicking the link above. When asked to enter a code, please contact the Scrip Administrator for that information (see below). Then once your Scrip account has been set up and your Presto Pay account is active, you can “shop” from the comfort of your own home at Each company has designated how much they will contribute, like a rebate. The rebate percentage varies with each company. You pay the same amount regardless of the rebate contribution from the company. For example: If you need a $25 Meijer card, then you pay $25. However, Meijer contributes 3% of your purchase to the BC Band, which will be distributed equally between your band account and the general band fund.
What is the benefit for your band student(s)?
There are many benefits of participating in the Scrip program. Here are just a few:
• Half of your earned rebate goes to your band student’s account for band needs. The other half goes into the general band fund.
• The student’s account, or family account for those with multiple band students, can then be used to pay for band needs, like reeds, band camp, solo/ensemble fees, band camp, and even the band trip to Disney, just to name a few examples.
• You will not be buying products that you don’t want, like candy bars, but rather your everyday items using the gift cards you have pre-purchased.
When can one order from Scrip?
The orders will always be due on a Sunday by 9pm and will be distributed to your student on Wednesday of the same week, unless otherwise noted. Talk about prompt service! Check out the Scrip Ordering Schedule on the school website.
Need it now?
There is a great service on the Shop with Scrip website called ScripNow. Just like it sounds, get your Scrip now. There are select stores, restaurants, hotels, and online retailers that are available to be purchased online and printed for immediate use. You just need to order it, print it, and use it. It works great! And there are many local retailers and restaurants available on ScripNow.
There is also a re-loadable option on select cards. Once you have bought the card from Shop with Scrip, you can register it and reload it online from the comfort of your own home and still earn the same rebate.
Who can answer Scrip questions?
Contact the Scrip/Family account Coordinator, Brandi DesMarteaux.
Quick Links:
Current Scrip Schedule