1st grade classes at BCEL enjoyed learning about pumpkins and plants in nature today.
almost 3 years ago, Christina Pretzer
1st grade BCEL
1st grade BCEL
1st grade BCEL
Creek Crazies cheering on their Lady Lancers
almost 3 years ago, Ryan Badour
Creek Student Section
BC Varsity Volleyball
almost 3 years ago, Ryan Badour
BC Varsity Volleyball celebrating a point
We love our PTO!!! They celebrated our record breaking pizza sales today by giving everyone a snow cone party!!!!
almost 3 years ago, Beth Bredt
snow cone party!
We love our PTO!!
It’s hard not to smile at things like this Nature Kindergarten student turning her face shield into a worm collection container.
almost 3 years ago, Christina Pretzer
nature K
Pine River 3rd and 4th Grade students had fun playing Human Hungry Hungry Hippos in PE this week. Students used this game as a way to demonstrate teamwork and sportsmanship.
almost 3 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
PE 1
PE 2
PE 3
Kip Meeker received the Lancer Leader Award this month for his 20 year commitment to making our high school look so nice and clean everyday! Well deserved Kip!
about 3 years ago, Shawn Hale
Mrs. Hedlund’s kindergarten class made leaf crowns! They also sorted leaves in many ways (color, size, shape).
about 3 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
h 1
Floyd Elementary Kindergarten students developing math skills in nature.
about 3 years ago, Christina Pretzer
K Floyd
K Floyd
K Floyd
A sloppy course couldn't stop the elementary cross country team at the Bay City Western Invitational.
about 3 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
CC 1
CC 2
CC 3
CC 4
Mrs. MacLachlan's class was able to enjoy some outside learning time during a beautiful fall day. As an extra bonus, it was hat day!
about 3 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
MS 1
MS 2
MS 3
Creek Varsity Band performing at the Midland Showcase. An amazing performance!
about 3 years ago, Shawn Hale
What's happening in Mrs. Sawicki's class? "Today in chemistry, we are modeling how to calculate average atomic mass using a mixture of four different types of beans."
about 3 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
PS 1
PS 2
PS 3
 PS 4
Bullock Creek Varsity Band at Festival in St John’s High School. A wonderful performance and all 1’s!
about 3 years ago, Shawn Hale
2nd graders at BCEL observing and learning about the meadow and enjoying free explore time.
about 3 years ago, Christina Pretzer
2nd grade BCEL
2nd grade BCEL
2nd grade BCEL
2nd grade BCEL
Sarah Boothe’s 2nd grade class at BCEL has been learning about seed dispersal. They created models of seeds and tested out how they move.
about 3 years ago, Christina Pretzer
2nd grade
2nd grade BCEL
Our Kindergarten classes have been enjoying field trips to Chippewa Nature Center.They’re having fun and learning to classify living vs. non- living.
about 3 years ago, Christina Pretzer
kindergarten classes at CNC
kindergarten at CNC
BCHS sponsored an incredibly successful College Application Day! College reps from Davenport, CMU, and SVSU provide their expertise.
about 3 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
Cad 2
Cad 3
Cad 4
Senior night at the soccer game!
about 3 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
2nd graders at BCEL earned extra nature time and worked on their pollinator garden.
about 3 years ago, Christina Pretzer
2nd graders BCEL