Bullock Creek High School loves Deacon! On Thursday, students wore U of M clothing or blue to show their support. Creekers for a Cause members collected donations during lunches.
Happy Halloween from your favorite Floyd Elementary story book characters
It was a costume contest at the middle school! Here are some of the finalist!
Floyd Nature Kindergarten and Nature TK classes celebrated with an outdoor Halloween party.
Spooky, scary and wonderfully entertaining middle school Band performance this evening. Great job 7th and 8th grade Bands!
Spooky, scary and wonderfully entertaining middle school Band performance this evening. Great job 7th and 8th grade Bands!
5th graders at Pine River learned about the transfer of matter in an ecosystem through dissecting logs.
Middle School 8th graders are ready for the big game Saturday!
Tomorrow, the high school will honor Deacon Orlowski with "Deacon's Defenders Day!" Deacon is a sophomore who has been valiantly battling cancer for nearly four years. Students and staff are encouraged to wear U of M or blue clothing to show him our love and support. We will also be collecting cash donations and gas cards during all three lunches to help with his upcoming treatments in Seattle, Washington.
Bullock Creek High School kicked off Kindness Week with MARVELous Me Monday. Creekers for a Cause members greeted students and staff at the door with a pack of M & M's with a character strength sticker along with a QR code to take the VIA Character Strengths Assessment.
Yesterday was Twin Day because "We are STRONGER together. " Students who dressed up received a "Right" or "Left" Twix bar as a treat.
1st grade classes at BCEL enjoyed learning about pumpkins and plants in nature today.
Creek Crazies cheering on their Lady Lancers
BC Varsity Volleyball
We love our PTO!!! They celebrated our record breaking pizza sales today by giving everyone a snow cone party!!!!
It’s hard not to smile at things like this Nature Kindergarten student turning her face shield into a worm collection container.
Pine River 3rd and 4th Grade students had fun playing Human Hungry Hungry Hippos in PE this week. Students used this game as a way to demonstrate teamwork and sportsmanship.
Kip Meeker received the Lancer Leader Award this month for his 20 year commitment to making our high school look so nice and clean everyday! Well deserved Kip!
Mrs. Hedlund’s kindergarten class made leaf crowns! They also sorted leaves in many ways (color, size, shape).
Floyd Elementary Kindergarten students developing math skills in nature.
A sloppy course couldn't stop the elementary cross country team at the Bay City Western Invitational.