Dear BCHS Families,

Today marks the end of the first week of second semester.  Below are a few things to note.

1.  Report cards for semester one have been posted.  Grades can be accessed through the Family Access tab in Skyward.  If you have questions, please call the main office at 631-2340.

2.  Good luck to our BCHS Jazz Band at tonight’s festival which will be held at Meridian High School.

3.  The BCHS Talent show community performance will be Wednesday, January 15th at 7:00 pm in the Bullock Creek Auditorium.  Admission is free.

4. Daily announcement, athletic schedules, Principal news and more can be found on our website https://www.bcreek.org/o/bchs

5.  Varsity Basketball at home tonignt.  Bullock Creek vs Clare 7:30pm. 

6.  Bowling Girls/Boys at Valley Lanes tomorrow – Go Lancers!