NHS has a meeting today after school in the Distance Learning Room, please be on time.
Attention anyone interested in playing a winter sport - There are sign-up sheets now in the Main Office on Mrs. Huntoon's desk for basketball, wrestling, cheer. bowling and hockey. Make sure to sign-up if you wish to receive information on practices in November.
Congressman John Moolenaar's office is now accepting applications from high school seniors for nominations to our Nation's Service Academies. The deadline for applications is October 29th. Questions regarding nominations can be directed to his office in Midland at 989-631-2552.
Hey juniors & seniors - Just a reminder that on Friday, October 15th a representative from Aquinas College will be here at 9:00 am. Looking ahead to next week, a rep. from GMCA will be here on Tuesday, October 19th at 1:00 pm. A rep. from Alma College will be here on Wednesday, October 20th at 1:00 pm; and finally, a rep. from Michigan Tech. will be here on Thursday, October 21st at 10:00 am. Please sigh-up in the Counseling Office if you would like to attend any of these meetings.
Lunch Friday - Pizza with a variety of toppings, pepper strips, broccoli, tomatoes, fruit & milk.