Sophomores, Herff Jones will be in the Main Gym tomorrow during lunches to collect your orders for Class of 2024 rings and jewelry. If you are a senior who was unable to order your graduation items today, you can place your orders tomorrow during lunches as well.
Any student who signed up to play hockey for the Tri-City Titans, tryouts begin on November 1st. A completed sports physical must be on file. If you need the hockey coach’s contact information, it is available on Mrs. Huntoon’s desk in the Main Office.
Creeker's - Now is the time to help the Art Department with their canned food drive. Please bring your donation of canned food to your 6th hour class. We will collect them next week from November 1st through the 5th. Our Creek team will be sculpting out of cans November 10th at the Midland Mall for those to view.
Listen up Lancers! Because of the PD day on Tuesday, November 2nd, ASI will only be held on Wednesday, November 3rd.
Today was Deacon's Defenders Day for Kindness Week. Thank you all so much for showing your support through donations or wearing blue. It was so nice to see Bullock Creek students and community come together when one of us is struggling. The winner of today's drawing is: BRYLIE FELKER!
Tomorrow is Funny and Flannel Friday. To finish off our Kindness Week strong, you can either wear flannel OR your best school-appropriate Halloween costume. There will be 2 drawings tomorrow, one for your funniest joke and one for people who dress up.
Lunch Friday - Pizza with a variety of toppings, pepper strips, broccoli, tomato, fruit variety & milk.