Attention FRESHMEN - Your Wreath Sale Order Forms are due to Mr. Korson TOMORROW! Remember, the top seller gets a prize!
Hey juniors and seniors - Are you interested in a career in cosmetology? A representative from Douglas J. Aveda will be here tomorrow at 1:00. If you would like to meet with her, please sign up in the Counseling Office today!
Attention Student Council People...we will NOT be walking in the Santa Parade on Saturday morning. Please refer to the Classroom if you have any questions.
Hey Creekers! Thanksgiving is next week so we're celebrating and giving thanks with a couple Spirit Days! On Monday, welcome the cool weather with your Favorite Flannel! Then on Tuesday let's all relax with a Google meet day! Dress nice on the top and be super comfy on the bottom!
Lunch Friday - Pizza variety, peppers, broccoli, fruit & milk.