BCHS Announcements

Today starts the first day of a week to recognize classmates who make positive contributions in our school. Your BCHS Peer-2-Peer team would like to recognize and appreciate our Hallway Heroes. Who among your classmates are helpful, honest, and give back to our school and community? Check your BC email for a survey to nominate a classmate. Two students from each grade will be recognized for their outstanding efforts.  "Not all heroes wear capes."

The deadline to register for the ASVAB is tomorrow Tuesday, December 14th. Juniors and seniors can sign up for this free assessment in the Counseling Center.

Student Council - We will have a meeting Wednesday at 7 am in Mrs. DuBois’ room - please be on time.

Dual Enrolled and Early College students, please turn in your books to Mrs. Brown by Thursday, December 16th.

ATTENTION SENIORS!! All senior photos are due on December 22nd. Senior portraits must be a head and shoulder shot with no hats or props. For senior baby photos, send in your cutest option. If you currently have a sibling attending high school submit a picture of you together to be included in the yearbook. If your parents want to include a special note about you in the yearbook, have them place a senior pride ad.  To submit your pictures, you may email a file to Mrs. Discher at discherr@bcreek.org. You also may put the photo in an envelope and bring it to Mrs. Discher in room 5E. All photos will be returned to you. Contact Mrs. Discher with any questions!

Let’s continue the countdown for the “12 Days of Christmas” Spirit Days -

Tomorrow: Spread some Holiday Cheer for your favorite sports team.

Wednesday:  It is Candy Cane day...wear red and white.

Thursday:  HO HO HO... wear your Santa Hat.

Friday:  Who doesn't like to wear an Ugly Christmas Sweater... wear your favorite one today.

A full list of the “12 Days of Christmas” will be posted outside the Main Office, and remember to check the fun posters in the main hallway for the week’s Spirit Days!

Lunch Tuesday: Spicy or regular chicken patty on a bun, baby carrots, fruit choice & milk.