Attention Drama Club - We will be having our holiday party Monday, December 20th from 3:00-4:30 in the Green Room. More information is available on the Google Classroom. Please let Mr. Shields know if you have any questions.
Let’s continue the countdown for the “12 Days of Christmas” Spirit Days -
Tomorrow: Who doesn't like to wear an Ugly Christmas Sweater... wear your favorite one!
Monday 12/20: Get ready for a long winter's nap... wear comfy clothes
Tuesday 12/21: Show your feet off today by wearing Christmas Socks
Wednesday 12/22: Will Santa see you as naugthy or nice? 9th and 10th graders wear green and 11th and 12th graders wear red. Staff, you choose your color based on if you are naughty or nice!
A full list of the “12 Days of Christmas” will be posted outside the Main Office, and remember to check the fun posters in the main hallway for the week’s Spirit Days!
Lunch Friday: Pizza variety, carrots, broccoli & tomatoes, fruit choice & milk.