Dear BCHS Families,

A few things to know for this week…

1.  BCHS Band concert has been rescheduled for Monday, December 20th @ 7pm.

2.  Winter break:  December 23rd – Classes resume on January 3rd.

3.  End of semester 1 – January 20th

4.  Monday 12/20:  Get ready for a long winter's nap... wear comfy clothes

Tuesday 12/21:  Show your feet off today by wearing Christmas Socks

Wednesday 12/22:  Will Santa see you as naughty or nice? 9th and 10th graders wear green and 11th and 12th graders wear red.

5. December 22nd - Girls Varsity Basketball @ Home 7pm

6.  Service dog is scheduled to join a student in the building on January 3rd.  Please see attachment for etiquette and student expectations.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Curt Moses