Dear BCHS Families,

Below are a few important things to know…

1.  Exams are scheduled for January 18th, 19th & 20th – See attached schedule

2.  On January 20th the last exam ends at 11:15am.  IF your student would like to leave at 11:15, for the rest of the day, they can fill out and have a parent sign the attached permission slip.  Permission slips are due to the main office by January 18th to be accepted (a copy can be picked up in the office).  Students leaving early must have their own transportation.  Those remaining at school will continue with the rest of their daily schedule.  Transportation will be provided as usual at the end of the school day.

3.  January 21st – NO SCHOOL

4.  January 24th – start of the 2nd semester

5.  See Bullock Creek website for upcoming sporting events...Varsity mens/womens basketball tonight at Saginaw Nouvel beginning at 6pm.

6.  See attachments for more upcoming events.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Curt Moses