Auditions for the spring play, The Internet is Distract--OH LOOK A KITTEN!, will be Wednesday, January 26th from 3:00-5:00 in the auditorium. Audition packets and crew information form are in the Main Office. Please email Mr. Shields if you have any questions.
Sophomores and juniors - Listen to this upcoming opportunity to learn more about Career & Technical Education (CTE) programs in Midland County. The CTE Showcase field trip will give you a chance to check out Educational Careers, Woodworking, Construction Trades, Health Care Tech, Agriscience, Greater Michigan Construction Academy, Business Administration, Culinary Arts, and Auto Tech on Friday, January 28th. A permission slip was sent to your BC email or you can pick up a copy in the Lancer Lounge. The signed slips are due back by January 25th.
Lunch Thursday - Nachos with all the toppings, fresh vegetables, fruit & milk.