Dear BCHS Families,

A few things to share this week…

1.  NO SCHOOL tomorrow (Friday, January 21st)

2.  Today (Thursday, January 20th) is the official end of Semester 1

3.  Student schedules for 2nd semester will be issued today, however, please understand counselors will continue to work on making necessary schedule changes through the end of next week.

Creekers for a Cause will be hosting a benefit for Caden Brothers on Friday, February 11 at the Varsity Basketball games. Caden is a 9th grade student who is battling cancer, and we are raising funds to support his family's travel back and forth to Ann Arbor.  A flyer is attached to this email.  

BCHS will be offering a two-day workshop called "Focus on Your Future" on our two upcoming Half Days, February 18 and March 11.  Due to a generous grant from the Gerstacker Foundation, students will be able to participate free of charge, including lunch on both days.  The workshops will focus on building confidence and resiliency as well as working on achieving goals.  There are limited seats available for the workshop, so sign up with Mrs. Brown by February 1.  A flyer with more details is attached.

Have a great weekend!

Curt Moses