BCHS Announcements

Attention anyone interested in playing football next school year - There will be a short meeting with Coach Holly in the cafeteria today right after school, about the winter and spring conditioning schedule. Anyone unable to make the meeting, may pick up information tomorrow in the Main Office.

Thank you to everyone who auditioned or applied to work behind the scenes on crew for the Spring Play. We will have our first read through tomorrow from 3:00-4:30 in the auditorium. Anyone who auditioned or applied to be on crew should plan on attending. Please see Mr. Shields or Mr. Tisdale if you have any questions.

Hey Students!  Are you interested in learning about the US Air Force? A representative will be here for a lunch visit on Monday, January 31st. Stop by during your lunch break to ask questions, pick up information, or just say hello.

Indoor conditioning for the Track & Field season will begin on Monday, January 31st. This is open to high school athletes interested in getting active before the start of our spring season. If you are participating in a winter sport that should be your top priority at this time. Conditioning will run Monday, Wednesday & Friday, from  2:50-4:00. Please meet in room 4D. If you have any questions, stop & see Coach Barth. Official practice starts March 14th.

BCHS will be hosting "Focus on Your Future" workshops on February 18th and March 11th. The free workshops will focus on helping you to feel confident expressing your true self, guiding you on how to navigate through challenges and difficult decisions, and creating values to help you be successful in your future career and personal life. There are limited seats available for the workshop, and you need to sign up with Mrs. Brown by February 1st. 

Lunch Friday - Variety of pizza choices, spinach and romaine salad, extra veggies, fruit choice & milk.