BCHS Announcements

Focus on Your Future Workshops will empower you to be the BEST you! There are 

still some seats available for this free two-day workshop. See Mrs. Brown to register by 3:00pm on Tuesday, February 1st.

Peer 2 Peer will meet in the Lancer Lounge on Wednesday, February 2nd at 2:45 pm. 

There will be a Creekers for a Cause meeting on Thursday at 7:20 am in Room 4A.

The US Army will be here for a lunch visit on Friday, February 4th.  Feel free to stop by on your lunch break to ask questions or say "Hello."

Attention seniors! Check out the senior portrait pages posted outside Mrs. Discher's room. These pages are EXACTLY how your portraits will be printed in the 2022 yearbook. If there is a mistake with your portrait or name spelling, you MUST let Mrs. Discher know by this Friday, February 4th. Changes cannot be made after that time.

Lunch Tuesday - Chicken tenders, mashed potatoes & gravy, roll, fruit choice & milk.