Dear BCHS Families,

1.  Congratulations to all the BC athletes that made their way to the state competition...good luck today and tomorrow.

2.  March 11th is a ½ day for students.  BCHS dismissal will be at 10:45am – no lunches will be served.

3.  Band Festival will be held at BCHS this weekend.  Good luck to our BC band!

4.  BCHS Drama Club presents The Internet is Distract--OH LOOK A KITTEN!

3/10 (Thursday) at 7:00
3/11 (Friday)  at 7:00
3/12 (Saturday)  at 2:00

$5 admission

5.  Good luck to our Varsity Boys’ Basketball team – BC vs Swan Valley @ Freeland HS 5:30 (Monday)

Have a great weekend!

Curt Moses