BCHS Drama Club presents it's spring play “The Internet is Distract--OH LOOK A KITTEN!” tonight at 7pm and Saturday at 2pm in the auditorium. Admission is $5.
Attention spring sport athletes - Remember you MUST have a physical on file before you can try out Monday.
We’re going to have a coin drive starting Monday thru Friday. Bring your coins to your 6th hour class to compete against other 6th hours for prizes. The top 3 winners will receive a prize. All proceeds will be donated to our local fire stations to show our appreciation.
Bullock Creek National Honors Society will be hosting a Blood Drive on Tuesday, March 15th. Donors must be at least 16 years of age. Female donors must be at least 120 pounds and male donors must be 110 pounds.
Attention girls tennis - Please bring your tennis rackets and clothes for practice outside on Monday. Coach Kalina will put on the Band App and on the announcements if practice is cancelled. He will then tell the 12 to 14 girls who will be going to the Tennis Center for practice from 3:30 - 4:30.
Lunch Monday - Regular or spicy chicken on a bun, vegetable choice, fruit choice & milk.