Seniors - Are you going to college but feeling unsure of what your next steps are? On Monday at 1pm, one of our college representatives, Marcelina, will be giving a presentation to talk about your next steps. This will cover important topics such as account creation, reviewing financial aid award letters, registering for orientation, sending AP test scores or transcripts, and applying for housing. There will be time for you to ask questions as well. Please sign-up in the Lancer Lounge.
Did you know the Bullock Creek Yearbook has a two-page ‘spread’ for each of the twenty varsity sports offered at BCHS? Next week is yearbook promotion week! The Lancer Shield has put together a few games for BCHS students and staff to play. Try your hand at our “Who Is It?” game, or get a peek at the past with our yearbook scavenger hunt. There will also be QR scanners around the school so you can purchase your own version of this year’s Lancer Shield.
Spring break is coming up and you know what that means… SPIRIT DAYS! Show your Lancer Spirit, and your hope for spring, with these festive and fun days...
Monday: show your excitement for the upcoming weather and break by being your best lazy self in your pajamas.
Tuesday is Country vs. Country Club--wear your boots and cowboy hat or dress up for a day of golf and fancy lunches.
Wednesday is Class Color day:
Freshman are pink
Sophomores are yellow
Juniors are green
Seniors are blue, and
Staff are purple.
Thursday is Tacky Tourist Day! Finish the week strong with bucket hats and socks with sandals to look like your dad at Niagara Falls!
Lunch Monday - Spaghetti w/meat sauce, garlic knot, salad choice, fruit choice & milk.