Dear BCHS Families,

It’s been a great year at the high school.  It’s been nice to add back some of the activities and events that have been missing the past couple of years.  As we close out the 2021/2022 school year, below are a few reminders...

1.  Attached you will find a copy of the exam schedule. *Students should note their lunch time may be different on these days.

2.  Reminder:  If you received an invitation to Summer Credit Recovery or Summer School and are interested in taking advantage of this opportunity, please complete the letter your student brought home and return it by the last day of school.

3.  Good luck to our Womens Varsity Tennis team going to the state competition tomorrow.  On Saturday BC Varsity Baseball plays in the second round of districts against Garber at 10am @ home.  Varsity Softball plays has a district game at home beginning at noon on Saturday as well.  Good luck to all of our teams this weekend.

4.  Locker clean out will be taking place on Monday and Tuesday – student should plan to take home their personal belongings.

5.  Tuesday, June 7th – Last day of school.  BCHS will dismiss at 11:15am.

Take care,

Curt Moses