BCHS Announcements

Listen up students!! Lunch tomorrow and Monday are based on where you are 4th hour. If you are in D-wing, E-wing or Shop - you have 1st lunch. If you have 4th hour down A-wing, B-wing or Gym - you have 2nd lunch. THIS MAY NOT BE YOUR REGULAR LUNCH TIME! If you have any questions, please ask your teacher or stop by the Main Office. You don’t want to miss out on exam time if you are in the wrong lunch!

Please check your locker for any library books and get them to Mrs. Finney ASAP. She needs ALL books returned so she can inventory the library.

Any student that has received a letter about Summer School or Credit Recovery, please get your paperwork turned in ASAP to Mrs. Kalina in the Main Office. You must be signed up to attend.

Garbage cans will be in the hallways ONLY in the morning. Please clean out the trash in your locker. Remember you’ll need binders and notebooks to study for exams! Also - please start going through your things in the locker room. Take home clothes and shoes and throw away all your trash.

Lunch Friday - Pizza variety, veggies, fruit & milk.