Hey Juniors and Seniors listen up - A representative from Lake Superior State University will be visiting on Monday, October 17th at 1:00. A rep. from Clarkson University will be here on Wednesday, October 19th at 10:15. A rep. from Douglas J. Aveda will be here on Friday, October 21st at 9:15. Sign up in the Counseling Office if you would like to talk with any of these representatives.
Remember Lancers to wear some college gear in the student section at the football game tonight to celebrate College Night!
Attention any girls who like to play tennis - This Sunday we’ll be meeting on the Creek courts from noon to 1:00. Come on out and have some fun while you work on bettering your skills! See Coach Kalina if you have any questions.
American Idol, The Voice, America’s Got Talent! Are you looking for an opportunity to showcase your talent on stage? We are excited to announce the BCHS Talent Show is returning this fall! Show date is November 17th. An informational meeting for anyone interested in participating will be held on October 19th after school in the auditorium at 3:00. Now is the time to start planning, preparing and rehearsing! We are hoping for a variety of talent and entertainment. See Mrs. Bossenberger, Mrs. Murray, Mr. Shields or Mr. Tisdale if you have any questions.
Lunch Monday - Mini corn dogs, baked beans, baked chips, fruit choices & milk.