BCHS Announcements

The NHS meeting is cancelled for tomorrow morning. Please watch the classroom for food drive information.

Anyone interested in joining the new BC Golf Team this spring is asked to sign up in the Main Office on Mrs. Huntoon’s desk. There will be a meeting tomorrow with Coach Vieau.

Hey Juniors and Seniors - Are you interested in a future in the armed services? Significant scholarship opportunities are available. A representative from the US Navy will be here next Tuesday, November 22nd at 10:15 am to talk about NROTC Scholarships. Sign up in the Counseling Office if you would like to meet with him to learn more about these opportunities.

Tomorrow is the final Spirit Day for Kindness Week. We will wrap up the week with Flannel Friday, a BCHS favorite! Thank you for participating in the dress up days and for being extra kind.  "One kind word can change someone's entire day."

Lunch Friday - Pizza variety, spinach & romaine salad, carrots & tomatoes, diced pears & milk.