Reminder to all boys trying out for basketball, the first practice is this Monday. All 11th and 12th graders should report to Mr. Freeland's classroom, room 7D, changed and ready at 4:15. 9th & 10th graders should report to the main gym at 6:30 changed and ready. Final reminder that a completed Sports Physical must be on file to participate. Any questions see Coach Freeland.
Hey Juniors and Seniors - Are you interested in a future in the armed services? Significant scholarship opportunities are available. A representative from the US Navy will be here on Tuesday, November 22nd at 10:15 am to talk about NROTC Scholarships. Sign up in the Counseling Office if you would like to meet with him to learn more about these opportunities.
Listen up Lancers - If you had your picture taken this year & can’t find your Student ID, come to the Main Office and get your name on the list to get a replacement ID. MONDAY after school is the deadline.
Lunch Monday - Chicken tenders, potatoes & gravy, roll, green beans, apple crisp & milk.