Starting today - Coach Holly will have the weight room open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 3:00 to 4:00. Please make arrangements for a ride when the weight room closes at 4:00.
Bullock Creek Drama Club will soon hold auditions for their next play, Radium Girls. Auditions for those wanting to be on stage will be today from 3:00-5:00 and Crew Interest Forms for those working behind the scenes should be submitted before Winter Break. Audition Packets and Crew Interest Forms are available in the Main Office.
Tonight is FAFSA night from 6pm - 7:30pm in the E-wing computer lab at BCHS. There will be snacks, drinks, and representatives from Northwood University who will be available to help answer questions and to help complete the FAFSA. In addition, we will raffle off college dorm necessities to students who attend.
Tomorrow is the last day to register for the ASVAB. You can sign up in the Counseling Office.
Bullock Creek High School is now recycling paper. Please put only paper in the blue recycle bins in the classrooms. The blue barrels in the hallways are for paper only.
The Educational Careers class is doing a Book Drive to benefit elementary students in our community. Please bring in your new or gently used children’s books now through Christmas to help increase literacy in our youngest Lancers. Books can be placed in the box located in the Main Office (by the flag) now through Christmas break.
Hey seniors! Your senior portraits, baby photos, and sibling photos must be submitted to Mrs. Discher by Wednesday, December 21 in order to appear in the 2023 yearbook. You can bring in a hard copy or email the photo file to Mrs. Discher at Please do not send screenshots or pictures of pictures! We can scan your original and get it back to you.
The 12 Days of Christmas continues all next week. BC need to step up your game. The staff is out shining you on school spirit!
Tomorrow - Christmas Tie Day...wear a tie that represents your holiday cheer.
Wednesday - Who doesn't like a candy cane? Wear red and white
Thursday - Ugly Sweater Day...Everyone has that one Ugly Sweater hanging in their closet, pull it out and wear it proudly today.
Friday - It is all about being a PROUD LANCER Day... Wear your black and gold to show your support for our winter athletes. Keep your black and gold on and attend the basketball games.
What a great turn out for the NHS food drive. We are able to help about 40 BC families. Now what you all have been waiting for…. THE WINNERS
1st place is Mr.Shields with 394 pts.
2nd is Mrs. Parsons with 195 pts.
3rd is Mr. Borsenik with 160 pts.
Lunch Tuesday: BC Bowl Day! Popcorn chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn & shredded cheese, corn loaf, fruit choice & milk.