Dear BCHS Families,
1. January 27th – ½ day for students – BCHS dismissal at 10:45, no lunches served.
2. Grades for semester 1 have now been posted. You can access grades through the Skyward system. If you have questions about accessing the report card, please call the main office at 631-9260
3. Please consider attending the class meeting for your child. These meetings will provide important information regarding scheduling, opportunities and staying on track for graduation.
Parents of current sophomores are invited to attend an important meeting on Wednesday, February 1 at 6:00pm in the High School Auditorium. Topics that will be covered include graduation requirements, class options for the student’s junior year, Career Tech Education opportunities, Bullock Creek Early College Program, and off-campus program opportunities.
Bullock Creek Early College Program (BCECP) blends high school and college in a rigorous yet supportive program, offering students an opportunity to get a jump start on college coursework. Students have an opportunity to complete a high school diploma and up to the first two years of college in five years. Students attend college classes through Delta College and defer their high school diploma until the end of the fifth year. Parents of Class of 2025 students interested in learning more about BCECP are invited to attend an informational meeting on Wednesday, February 1 at 7:00pm in the High School Auditorium. Parents of Class of 2026 students are also invited to attend as well, but students are not eligible to apply for BCECP until the winter of their sophomore year. For more information, please contact Jennifer Brown at 989-631-2418 ext. 1507.
Parents of current juniors are invited to attend a special meeting that will focus on your student’s senior year and planning for post-secondary opportunities. If your student is a member of the Class of 2024, please plan to attend this important meeting Thursday, February 2 at 6:00pm in the High School Auditorium. Graduation requirements, off-campus program opportunities, Career Tech Education, college applications, college entrance exams, scholarships, financial aid, and work-based learning will be topics addressed at the meeting.
Sophomores and juniors interested in Career Tech Education (CTE) classes such as Auto Tech, Construction Trades, Agriscience, Culinary Arts, Educational Careers, Health Care Tech, Business Management, Woodworking, or GMCA should complete the permission slip to attend the CTE Showcase field trip on January 26. Permission slips can be picked up in the Counseling Center and they need to be returned by Monday at 3:00pm. Due to Coleman cancelling school today, this trip has been rescheduled for next Thursday, February 3rd. Permission slips will still be accepted through tomorrow.
4. See the BC website for a calendar of events & athletic contests.
5. See attached Midland County flyer for summer job opportunities.
Have a great weekend!
Curt Moses