To celebrate making it through their first week of middle school, Mrs. Johnson’s 6th grade Social Studies classes learned how to play the board game Mancala! Versions of the game Mancala date back past the 3rd century and evidence suggests it originated in Ancient Egypt. Mancala is amongst the oldest known games to still be widely played today!
over 1 year ago, Dennis Tomko
BCEL Principal, Mrs. Bredt read to several classrooms today. The message: "Don't be afraid to be yourself, you are unique!"
over 1 year ago, Vicki Mikusko
Bredt 2
Bredt 1
One of the many wonderful things our elementary students get to do is make connections with nature at school everyday. BCEL and Floyd students were excited to experience this on the first day of the 2023/2024 school year.
over 1 year ago, Christina Pretzer
Thank you to all of the community and staff that helped with "Stuff the Bus" for the 2023-24 year.
over 1 year ago, Mark Murray
Stuff the Bus 2023
Stuff the Bus 2023
Stuff the Bus 2023
Stuff the Bus 2023
Stuff the Bus 2023
Stuff the Bus 2023
Stuff the Bus 2023
Stuff the Bus 2023
Stuff the Bus 2023
Stuff the Bus 2023
Nature Coach, Tina Pretzer led a group of elementary teachers through a picnic conversation around Place Based Education.
over 1 year ago, Vicki Mikusko
nature talk
nature talk
Attention all 6th grade families and students new to Bullock Creek Middle School! This Orientation Meeting is for you! We hope to see all of you on August 15th at 6 pm.
over 1 year ago, Dennis Tomko
Today Bullock Creek School District was thrilled to provide New Teacher Orientation to 7 of our 9 new teachers. Congratulations to Miss Brown, Mrs Hood, Mrs Hupfer, Miss Krause, Miss Jones, Mrs Little, Miss White, Miss Swiderek and Miss Hatch.
over 1 year ago, Shawn Hale
new teachers
Once again, Bullock Creek School District is excited to welcome our new teachers and staff joining us this fall. We would like to help introduce them to the community and make connections with local businesses. Do you know a local business that offers teacher discounts? Do you know a local business that would like to donate an item for a welcome basket? We want to highlight and advertise these local partners. Interested partners can contact Vicki Mikusko at or call (989) 631-9022.
over 1 year ago, Vicki Mikusko
This week BCEL was lucky enough to have volunteers, directed by the CNC, come and work on some nature projects! We are so grateful for their time and hard work! Volunteers worked on building rain barrel platforms for our new rain barrels that will be installed, replacing stumps in seating areas that needed to be refreshed, and removing invasive Buckhorn that is found back in our nature areas. Thank you so much to Mrs. Pretzer, Mr. Frisbee, and Mr. Marcus for coordinating all of these efforts! And especially to all the volunteers that worked so hard! BCEL appreciates all of your work!!
over 1 year ago, Beth Bredt
On July 13th, the Bullock Creek School District was honored to receive $11,476.15 from the Physician Associates of MidMichigan Community Medical Foundation to purchase "Stop the Bleed" kits for each bus and our school buildings.
over 1 year ago, Shawn Hale
Stop the Bleed
Mrs. Carloyn Brown, Floyd teacher and volunteer coach, would like to remind Floyd families that she is registering Floyd Cross Country runners all summer in preparation for the fall season. Please see attached for more information.
over 1 year ago, Jamie Moses
The free little library at BCEL is up and running. Stop by this summer to grab a book or 2 or 3! We will continue to fill it up all summer! Thanks to our own Jameson and Mattis for donating and for taking some new books with them! Continuing to read with your child over the summer is so important!! Read, read, and read some more!! We love to have visitors so make sure to stop by and grab a book!!
over 1 year ago, Beth Bredt
j and m
j and m2
Make sure to check out the Midland Daily News article about our very own, Mary Napoli!!! She sure is extraordinary in every way!! We are so lucky to have her teaching, growing, and touching the lives of our BCEL students and families!!!! Congratulations, Mrs. Napoli!!!
over 1 year ago, Beth Bredt
Today the 6th grade celebrated Mr. Laughner's FINAL last day of school as our 6th Grade Math teacher. BCMS staff and students wish Mr. Laughner great thanks for all of his years of wisdom, always taking us on nature walks and his dedication to Bullock Creek Schools. Thank you, Mr. Laughner! Enjoy your retirement-- you will be missed!
over 1 year ago, Dennis Tomko
Congratulations to all BCMS 8th grade students on a job well done! Last night these students were honored in a special recognition ceremony for all of their hard during their years at BCMS. We are proud of all of them and cannot wait to see what is in store for them as they enter their high school years.
over 1 year ago, Dennis Tomko
Floyd 3rd graders were flying in Math Lab. They made paper airplanes and measured the the distances of four different trials. They also tested adding paper clips onto the planes to see how that impacted the distance.
over 1 year ago, Jamie Moses
Congratulations to the Floyd School 2023 Girls on the Run team! They successfully completed a 5K over the weekend. A big thank you to coaches Carolyn Brown, Emily Collison, Ellie Pretzer, Sami Clark, and Aubrey Brown, as well as all the parents and running buddies. We are proud of you all!
over 1 year ago, Jamie Moses
BCMS celebrated the Lancers who Lead recipients for the 2022-2023 school year with a *surprise* ice cream social and gift card raffle; including a special opportunity to silly string duel with Mr. Tomko! Congratulations to all the students who demonstrated leadership qualities, excellent attitudes and set a positive example for their peers.
over 1 year ago, Dennis Tomko
Our May Leaping Lancers were so plentiful that we had to split them up into 2 groups. Today's group has shown grit and perseverance all year long working and growing as individuals. We are so proud of these little ones for pushing through different adversities and growing, not only as learners but as amazing little humans! Great job ya'll!!!
over 1 year ago, Beth Bredt
may ll
A big CONGRATULATIONS to the month of May BCMS Lancers Who Lead recipients: 6th Grade - Kiera Landrie, Henry Ware and Nadia Woodcraft; 7th Grade - Zane VanZile, Nariah Cunningham, and Carter Ryder; 8th Grade - Sofia Skym, Caden Barst Tayler Brandt.
over 1 year ago, Dennis Tomko