May 23, 2022
Interested in playing a fall sport at BCHS? Sign-up sheets are still available on Mrs. Huntoon’s counter in the Main Office. If you want information on any of these fall sports, m...
May 20, 2022
Listen up Lancers! Do you have a library book checked out? Please make sure you return it to Mrs. Finney TODAY. In order to successfully inventory the library, all books must be r...
May 20, 2022
Dear BCHS Families, We’re closing in on the end of the school year. Below is some important information to know for the upcoming days. 1. Today is our seniors’ last day of s...
May 19, 2022
Listen up Lancers! Do you have a library book checked out? Please make sure you return it to Mrs. Finney by TOMORROW. In order to successfully inventory the library, all books mus...
May 18, 2022
Seniors - Today is the last day to RSVP for this Friday's Senior Sunset. The link was sent to your BC email this morning. It’s going to be a fabulous night! The event will take pl...
May 16, 2022
ATTENTION STUDENTS - ALL library books are due back this Friday, May 20th. Please get these taken care of ASAP.
Lancers interested in playing boys basketball - Please stop by a...
May 13, 2022
Hey Lancers - Do you want to be a LEADER in the school? Are you looking to build an impressive resumé? Run for Student Council and make a difference! Packets are due TODAY by 3pm....
May 12, 2022
Hey Lancers - Want to get involved in your school? Need something that’s going to look GREAT on an NHS, college or job application? Run for a student council office! Pick up a pac...
May 11, 2022
Hey Lancers - Want to get involved in your school? Need something that’s going to look GREAT on an NHS, college or job application? Run for a student council office! Pick up a pac...
May 10, 2022
Hey Lancers - Want to get involved in your school? Need something that’s going to look GREAT on an NHS, college or job application? Run for a student council office! Pick up a pac...
May 9, 2022
Hey Lancers - Want to get involved in your school? Need something that’s going to look GREAT on an NHS, college or job application? Run for a student council office! Pick up a pac...
May 6, 2022
Dear BCHS Families,
Here are a few things to know…
1. Congratulations to the nearly 400 students who enjoyed a sundae this afternoon as part of a ‘thank you’ for never bein...
May 5, 2022
Attention Senior NHS members, all your volunteer hours are due tomorrow at the end of the school day. If you have not turned them, please do so ASAP to Mrs. Rinn in 2D. If hours a...
May 4, 2022
Attention Senior NHS members, all your volunteer hours are due this Friday, May 6th at the end of the school day. If you have not turned them, please do so ASAP to Mrs. Rinn in 2D...
May 3, 2022
Peer-2-Peer will have a meeting after school today in the Lancer Lounge.
Student Council Members - We will be meeting tomorrow morning at 7am in Mrs. DuBois’ room.
April 29, 2022
Dear BCHS Families,
Just a few quick notes this week…
1. BCHS Prom will be held at the H Hotel tomorrow night. We’re reminding students to enjoy their evening, be safe, an...
April 29, 2022
Seniors, is it your dream to sing at your graduation ceremony? Auditions will be held on Wednesday, May 4th at 3pm in our Auditorium. If you are interested in auditioning, sign up...
April 28, 2022
Tomorrow is the last day we will be holding a drive for gently used stuffed animals at the High School. Donation bins will be located in the main entrance and all donations will b...